Cotation D

High Level

Ailefroide centrale 3927m - Coste Rouge ridge

Central Ailefroide 3927 m-coste rouge ridge or North ridge is a big route wilderness and aesthetic.

the technical difficulties are not extreme, but the way is committed and requires a sense of the route if one does not want to spend the all week. the descent is a second route.

Bivouac, perched on the edge riding on the 2 sides, is memorable. Sunset on one side, lifted the other, just magic!


Meije 3983 m - grand pic and crossing of the ridges

to do absolutely!

the rise of le Grand Pic of la meije 3983 m and crossing the ridges. This is the really important race in a life of Mountaineer. the difficulties of climbing are not extreme, but must be at ease in climbing in 4 big and ready for a long day (happiness).

There are all the ingredients of a good recipe of mountaineering: very welcoming shelters (promontoire and aigle), climbing on a great rock, a pointed Summit, reminders in the descent, an ice gully, tapered edges, a passage amazing panorama... it's my favorite in the World Mountaineering routes !


Ailefroide pte 3907 m-fourastier

ailefroide 3954 m is one of the most high and impressive mountain massif.

There are all difficulties routes , PD to ED+.

the way original fourastier is a long and beautiful route. Rocks, mixed and ice difficulties. 


Needle sialouze 3576 m-South Ridge

Found on this Summit, extending le pic sans nom, climbs among the most beautiful of the massif. This route, of medium difficulty, is beautiful and the great rock. You can enjoy a stay in this sector to other routes in the face so sialouze, for example.

Banns 3670 m-pillar Northeast and crossing

This Summit, well individualized, borders one of the largest glaciers of the massif. It presents an impressive north face mainly rocky but also driven by some reputable glacial itineraries.

in this pillar, the top 400 m, the rock is healthy, the framework is superb and the Sun arrives early in the morning. the final crossing edges and the descent of the normal route make a long run during which it must be effective.

a great classic, that we must know to perfect its culture of the Ecrins.

on this Summit:

-macho couloir, ad, snow, ice and mixed.

-East-North-East ridge, pd +, rock

- South face, Rocky roads