Bucolic climbing at La Pierre André

Aaaah Haute Ubaye...

A sunny valley of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence nestled between the Queyras and the Italian piedmont. It is good to live, only nature, no city nearby, no crevassed glacier for the approaches, just the right altitude to have freshness but no MAM, faces and summits that are waiting for our arrival.

l'Aiguille Pierre-André and its orange quartzite rock offers 200m high routes and a wide choice of routes from the 5B, equipped or adventure field

- Vieux boucs, new look, D+

- la SSE, TD-

- les marmottes givrées, TD

- diedre Leprince Ringuet, TD+

- etc.

Available from June to October
from 420 €

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Piz badile 3305m - n ridge

Bordering the incredible north-east face of Piz Badile, this long and obvious ridge N does not present too much difficulty, but the atmosphere is fabulous.

D, 4C, 800m of altitude difference (but much more developed ...)

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Piz badile - cassin route

But what audacity!

This road, opposite Piz Badile, opened in 1937 is long (1000m developed) and serious.

Fabulous climbing in cracks, dihedrals and chimneys.

TD route, 6a

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