Cotation TD+

High Level

les Bans 3669m - Giraud route

a masterpiece on this magnificent South face of the bans!

If quotations, on paper, do not fear, do not underestimate the difficulties of this way... Rock compact is not always easy to protect, search route, length, descent, etc.

Night to the friendly shelter of bans allows us to slightly reduce the face approach

Another adventure to live in ecrins range !

High Level

La Meije - 3ème Dent 3951m : Face S Directe

Wow! when the S face appears, beer at the hand, sitting on the rock above the Promontoire Refuge 

Wow!  in each pitch, slab, crack, groove,... nothing bad

Wow!  when you arrive at the top of the 3° Dent, refuge in the distance and the void of the North slope...

Oufff!  Finally, we land at the eagle's refuge. beer, food, sleep...

La Meije - 3° Dent 3951m: direct South face - direct bastion lane + original S face  (chapoutot/dibona combination)

TD, difficulties 720m, about 25 pitches, up to the 5+, a 10-hour lane up to the eagle's refuge,

the modern bastion, climbing on an excellent rock,

the final part is historic, in a retro style and a last pitch that will remain engraved in your heart ;-)

High Level

Pic de bure - piller desmaison - dévoluy

In the footsteps of the legend Desmaison!

twenty lengths, 600 m of sustained climbing and adventure terrain, a crazy gas, rock rather good when we stay well in the itinerary (which requires research) and the arrival on the lunar plateau

we must be effective not to end up at the frontal ...

D1- Bivouac to the car at the end of the track

D2- Start at the front to be at the attack of the track with the first rays of sun. It is necessary to cross a length of artif very physical, then the lengths are linked in the 5+/6A (1x 6b)