- Winter
- Ecrins - Queyras - Ubaye
- Cotation D+
Cotation D+
glacier-noir-couloirs- steep slope
you are a good skier?
looking for wild routes?
you regularly practice steep skiing?
you master the techniques of mountaineering?
so come and discover this sector of the Ecrins massif! the peaks surrounding the black glacier offer some exceptional, well ski and within easy reach corridors in ski touring day. the proposed slopes turn all around 50 ° (or +!)
by examples:
- couloir du Coup de Sabre
- couloir Nord du Glacier Noir
- couloir des Avalanches
- couloir du col Est du Pelvoux
- couloir Dérobé
- couloir Dewèze
- ...
steep ski is an extreme practice that cannot be improvised, during the descent the fall is often prohibited! the guide is here to help you, but cannot provide all the passages.