Cotation D


Chile ski touring

Great success in recent years !

Recipe for extraordinary skiing:

- spring snow conditions... in the middle of September

- untouched slopes leading to active craters

- views on vast lakes, on the Pacific from the peaks.

-strange trees, by the name of Araucaria, lining the first slopes of the volcanoes

- a remarkable hospitality.

"mix, shake, add a few undurraga and pisco sour, unforgettable evenings and you get one of the most beautiful ski trips: volcanoes of Araucania.

"Plus"of this trip:

* extraordinary landscapes and unfamiliar: " Fuji yamas"out of sight, sometimes in activity, great serenity.

* great skiing: long regular and wonderful runs, up to beautiful lakes or pacific ocean.

D1 Paris... start in principle late in the day.

D2 Santiago of Chile. connection with a flight santiago-Conception or Temuco where we expect our vehicle transfer by road to the foot of termas of Chillán. installation in a comfortable bungalow for two nights.

D3 rise of the Chillán nevado (3300 m) we take the ski lifts. a their Summit, long crossing flat before attacking the slopes of the nevado chillan. ice route that ends with a beautiful slope. back to the station. night at the bungalow. m: 1000 m d: 1700 m 6 h

D4 ascent of the Chillán Volcano (3212 m) ten-minute drive to win the termas of Chillán station. use of the lifts that deposited us at the base of the volcano. back to the station. m: 900 m d: 1400 m 4: 00 transfer to the base of the volcano Antuco (4 h). night in a bungalow at the foot of the mountain.

D5 ascent of the volcano Antuco (3100 m) a quarter of an hour of car, and we arrive at the station of Antuco (generally closed at this time). beautiful slopes: particularly the final cone, 500 meters to 30 °. back in the Valley and then transfer (4 hours drive) to the refuge of the volcano Llonquimay. m: 1550 m d: 1550 m 6 h

D6 ascent of the volcano Llonquimay (2890 m) by the right route, nearly 1200 meters of which becomes more steep slope under the Summit! back to the refuge. transfer (2 h) in Temuco, overnight at the hotel. m: 1200 m d: 1200 m 5 h

D7 transfer to the foot of the volcano Llaima (1 hour drive) ascent to the refuge in 2 hours in the middle of thickets of araucarias. We are greeted there by don José, a catalan who landed in Chile 15 years ago and who stayed there! in the afternoon, a few turns in a beautiful slope that dominates the place. night at the shelter. m: 300 m 2 h

D8 the Llaima (3125 m) ascent, Summit of hyper regular slope supported on 800 meters left... the volcano is active. back to the refuge. m: 1550 m d: 1550 m 7 h

D9 the Llaima (3125 m) ascent, much less steep route right by the South side Summit: great glacier. back to the shelter and to the vehicle. 3 hour drive to Pucon. comfortable hotel. m: 1550 m d: 1850 m 8 h

D10 rise of the Villarica Volcano (2840 m) superb cone ice, route direct with beautiful slopes. the volcano changes from active (with lava) periods to much quieter periods. gas is always present and makes difficult the ascent of the last part. m: 1500 m d: 1500 m 6: 00 transfer to Osorno, typical southern Chilean city, and Antillanca. 3 hours drive. overnight in a hotel of Osorno.

D11 ascent of volcano Casablanca (2100 m) early start of Osorno. 2 hours drive. easy ascent offers one of the most beautiful prospects on the Osorno. then transfer through the most beautiful countryside Chilean until ' at the shelter of the bubble. comfortable hut with a particularly beautiful view on the lago Llanquihue and the Pacific... nearby. m: 1200 m d: 1200 m 5 h

D12 ascent of the volcano Osorno (2630 m), by the South-West face 1400 meters of uniform slopes... truly one of the most beautiful ski touring itineraries! back to the refuge for a good shower before going down to Puerto Montt. night in this city in a small Inn. m: 1400 m d: 1400 m 6 h

D13 reserve in case of bad weather day.

D14 Puerto Montt - vina del mar flight the morning of Puerto Montt to Santiago and transfer to Viña del mar resort at 2 hours from santiago. This small town is adjacent to the famous villa of Valparaiso where we will spend our last so Chilean evening. overnight at the hotel in Viña del Mar.

D15 Santiago... early in the morning, transfer to the airport of Santiago and then fly to europe.

D16 Paris... arrived in paris in the late morning.

This program may be modified: 1) according to the flight schedule final 2) according to the weather, the mountain conditions and the desires of participants.

technical difficulty: good skier having already cut his teeth in all snow conditions. the circuit includes a few ice passages and a few steep slopes to the descent at the ascent (with use of the crampons to climb the peaks).

Physics: great shape. travel traveling from one summit to the other from accommodations in the valleys. averaged between 1000 and 1700 meters, always carried out with a small bag. When you are tired, it is possible to take a day of rest. If the conditions and form of the participants permit, we will consider the rise of the lanin (3728 m, in return (2500 m vertical), with a bivouac.)

price: on demand

this price includes round-trip paris / Temuco or design in regular airline, ground transportation and transfers, airport taxes, costs of management and organization, accommodation and food.

He doesn't include - meals in Tantiago. -the cancellation insurance, baggage theft, interruption. -the cancellation, baggage theft and repatriation insurance. -drinks and all personal expenses, your personal equipment. -transport of skis by airlines and luggage weight exceeding supplements.